It will donate over €1 million in essential clothing such as coats, sweaters and shoes from the three labels through the company’s distribution centre in Venlo, Netherlands, to “aid those displaced by the ongoing war in Ukraine”.A number of major brands across fashion and beauty have been donating products as the tide of refugees from the fighting in Ukraine continues, as well as giving cash to organisations like the Red Cross.
Capri is using the collection points created by Venlo Helps Ukraine, a local initiative created to organise the collection of clothing, medical goods, non-perishable food and other essential items for distribution within Poland and the Ukraine border.Transport specialist Ritili is also joining the initiative and moving the goods at no cost for them to be distributed through A Shop Without Cash Registers. This is located in Brwinów, Poland. It has set up in donated space at the Galeria Brwinów Shopping Center, “where the products and clothing are displayed in a store-like environment, making it more convenient for refugees to find the items they need”.